Thursday, March 19, 2009

Builders or Homeowners - the Blame Game

As I consult with Builders, Developers and Homeowners, it amazes me how many are uninformed in regards to the latest trends and changes in Building Materials utilized in construction. Everyone seems to be more attentive to the cosmetics of a home than with the actual building structure. The glitz is a one time purchase and can be changed anytime, however, the structure creates an ongoing cost. When a person purchases a home their decision process seems to follow an order like this:

1.) I like the look of this house from the outside.
2.) I like the look and feel of this house on the inside.
3.) I think I will purchase this house.

A house is usually the highest amount a consumer will spend on a purchase, yet they don't question the after purchase costs. Even with a car they will follow a different evaluation method:

1.) I like the look of this car from the outside.
2.) I like the look and feel of this car on the inside.
3.) What is the miles per gallon?
4.) What is the warranty?
5.) What will be the resell value down the road?
6.) What will the new models look like?
7.) I think I will purchase this car.

I talked with a General Contractor this week that stated "I have been building for the last 30 years and don't see a need to change the way I build". Wait a minute....I don't think He was listening to what He said. Is He still installing rotary dial telephones in His homes? Is His computer from the 80's? Do people still enjoy avacado living room carpet? Does He still drive a Pacer or Gremlin? The world is changing extremely fast and the building technology seems to be shifting even quicker. Affordable Zero-Energy Homes are happening now and will only become more prevalent with the fast-paced rise in utility costs. Builders and Developers have an obligation to their clients to stay abreast of the changes. I believe we will be seeing a large amount of lawsuits, filed by Homeowners against their Builders, for building a custom home that is not affordable. 

If a Home is not energy efficient, then it is not affordable. If the Home is not sustainable and has high maintenance problems, then it is not affordable. If the Home creates an evironment where the family has health issues and medical bills, then it is not affordable.

Who is ultimately liable? The Builder or the Homeowner? Unfortunately, until the Homeowner becomes educated with their choices most Builder's will continue to claim ignorance!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for a great post! This is the way every homeowner needs think before they build.
