Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Green can save Green

Green seemed to be the prevalent theme in the year of 2008! Every seminar, trade show and advertisments for new and old products were claiming to be Green. In reality I am not sure the majority of Consumers care about Green except for the Green they can keep in their wallets. The good news is some Green can save lots of Green!

In one study I reviewed, 49% of the participants said "a company's environmental record impacted their purchasing desicions", however, only 21% claimed they had purchased a specific product over another because of it, and yet, more surprising, only 7% could name the specific product they purchased.

We have always been a nation listening to the WII FM station! (What's In It For Me!). We heartlessly make choices based on today and not tomorrow. This is especially true when it comes to our usage of energy. In the last five years we have increased our energy usage by 10% while silently watching the cost double during the same span. Expanding the energy problem is the world growth, which continues to double every 80 years, and other nations' subsequent desire to enjoy energy also. In 2007, the United States continued to do their part in increasing the world growth by setting a record year for births!

What does this mean and How does it Affect the Consumer?

The economic theory of supply and demand will greatly influence the energy market. There will be more demand for energy with less being available per capita and household. We will see substantial yearly increases in energy costs. Furthermore, we will see the government tapping into hidden taxes on utilites which will increase the costs. Consumers will be obligated to decrease their energy usage, if only for cost reasons.

Over the last few years we have experienced a tremendous increase in "Green" purchases that actually save "Green" when it comes to energy usage. Energy efficient commercial buildings, energy efficient residential homes and energy efficient automobiles have substantially increased. Future resale values will be directly linked to the energy efficiency of the houses, buildings and cars.

"Green" was the theme of 2008. "Energy Efficiency" will be the theme of 2009.

1 comment:

  1. I agree wholeheartedly! I believe we will be moving back circa 1980 when our parents would remind us to shut the refrigerator door 'cuz we were wasting money or to turn off the TV while we were eating dinner. As Americans we have become so wasteful and with the rising costs of energy, we will be forced to conserve as much as possible.
